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Order a replica sample, if you want, before you choose your very special wedding ring.
As one of the oldest family wedding ring manufacturers in England, our replica sample service gives you the opportunity to be 100% sure that you will be happy to wear this ring for many years.
Your Replica Wedding Ring Sample
Within 2 weeks we will make an exact imitation copy of the wedding ring you desire with CZ( if there are diamonds in it), and it will be gold-plated or rhodium so you can see the exact colour, finish and quality of your bespoke wedding ring. The cost is £10 + VAT + Postage for Wedding Ring sample.
Your Replica Eternity or Engagement Diamond Ring Sample
This takes us a little longer to make, about 3-4 weeks. The cost is £35 for Eternity or Engagement Diamond Ring.
We will also send you a set of plastic ring sizes so that you can tell us the correct size if you are not sure already.
How do I order my sample ring?
Choose the design you want and order as "Sample", for an exact replica that you want to try.
To order your "Sample" either
1. Telephone us on 0208 446 8538, and we will take your order on the telephone with your Credit / Debit card payment details.
2. Email us on [email protected] with the order for the sample wedding ring. Tell us your SKU number, finger size and colour. On receipt of your email, we will phone you, to take your payment.